Take a break!

By Visit Fairfield | August 17, 2020

Puzzle me this!

Maybe it's 6 inches of snow on the ground or maybe it's working from home with lots of noise in the background.  However your day is going, sometimes we just need a little break to decompress.  A change of task helps refocus the  mind and gives us a fresh perspective.  To that end, we hope you enjoy these Fairfield-inspired puzzles!

Simply click one of the images below to start your puzzle digitally from your phone or desktop. Drag and drop the pieces to complete the puzzle. Have a friendly competition with your friends and see who can complete their puzzle first!

Meet the Author

Photo of Visit Fairfield

Visit Fairfield

Looking for a little escape from the hustle and bustle of city life? Fairfield is the perfect place to find your vibe. Whether you're looking for a quiet place to relax or an exciting place to explore, there's no shortage of things to see and do. So what are you waiting for? Come on over to Fairfield and find your perfect escape!